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the unravelling of blocked energy, a deepened connection to your true, authentic self,

and the feeling of coming home.


Blending free-flowing movements with particular frequencies of sound, Chakradance™ will free the energy in your body and open you to a deeper experience of life. A healing dance/movement practice that draws on a fusion of philosophies and musical styles, Chakradance™ aims to restore health to our chakras – the energy centres that, in Eastern tradition, are the gateways to integrating mind, body and spirit.


In a darkened room, lit only by candle-light, we move with our eyes closed, and our attention turned inwards, for unlike most other dance practices, Chakradance™ is about making a connection with our inner world – the world of our imagination, feelings, intuition and senses.


Welcome to Chakradance™. Come and explore. Have fun. Find meaning. Let go. Come  and  look  deeper  into  each  chakra,  each part of you, and experience more within the dance that is uniquely yours.

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Shake your chakras, Change your life!

What is Chakradance?

CHAKRADANCE is a dance practice for body and soul. It’s a powerful experience that will free and energize you. It combines spontaneous dance, guided imagery and music to promote that wonderful state of calm vitality known as “wellbeing”. The music is the key, as it resonates deeply with each in turn of the seven major chakras – the energy centers that integrate and regulate our physical, mental and emotional energies. Many who have experienced it claim it has transformed their lives for the better; others, simply that they enjoyed it hugely.


What makes it more than your normal belly-dancing or salsa class?

It’s not about steps or performance; you dance with your eyes closed in a darkened room. It’s more like a dynamic, moving meditation. It’s completely about freedom of expression; there is no right way to CHAKRADANCE as everyone has his or her own rhythm and movement. With its roots in Jungian psychology, CHAKRADANCE encourages people to dance for self-discovery and self-healing.


What do you feel is the main attraction?

The best thing about CHAKRADANCE is you don’t have to follow a set routine to feel the benefits; you just let the music move you. People from all ages (16 – 90) can participate. Some people are attracted by the fact that it’s a fun and energetic workout to great music. Other people say it leads to a spiritual awakening. Most people love it because it provides a haven away from their stressed everyday lives, and a rare opportunity to find true freedom of expression.


What are the benefits (both physical and mental) of CHAKRADANCE?

The most obvious physical benefit is that it boosts your fitness. It’s a cardio workout that gets everything moving from your face to your feet. It really gets your heart pumping; releasing endorphins to make you feel great. For those who are looking for a more spiritual connection, each workshop is designed to work a different chakra. There are seven main chakras; these centers of energy may be under or over active. Balancing them leads to many benefits, including better relationships, improved confidence and self esteem, emotional health, enhanced creativity, and heightened inspiration and clarity. But the biggest benefit of all is the absolute freedom to be yourself!


So it can be seen as a tool to improve overall health and wellbeing?

Yes, absolutely. CHAKRADANCE is unique because it’s a cross between dynamic meditation and dance. It requires you to participate physically, emotionally, intellectually AND spiritually. It is extremely therapeutic, although not in an analytical way. The key to its healing power is the experience itself. Not only is it a new physical activity, CHAKRADANCE truly integrates body and soul.


How would you describe the CHAKRADANCE experience?

CHAKRADANCE is almost like entering into a waking dream. Specifically selected and composed music, and tailored visualizations help you tap into your inner world. You close your eyes and surrender to the music. From here the process involves letting the movements emerge spontaneously. As the music’s vibrations affect you, you may see images in your mind’s-eye, recall memories or gain insights related to each chakra. You may also feel emotions or physical sensations.


Can the music really help balance a person’s chakras?

Each of the seven chakras vibrates at its own frequency. Music is able to balance the chakras by using the sound vibrations to tune each energy center. The music is modern dance music with specific musical tones that resonate with the chakras. Interwoven with the music are the pure tones of crystal bowls sourced from across the globe, that release a vibrational sound field that is an essential ingredient of each dance. CHAKRADANCE music has a lasting effect. The vibrations continue to pulse outward into our energy field long after the sounds have stopped playing. The more we experience these healing sounds, the greater and the more permanent the effect. When the music is combined with spontaneous dance, the healing effect is magnified.


How often would someone need to CHAKRADANCE for and for how long, to achieve the full benefits?

It’s possible to CHAKRADANCE for as little as 15 minutes a day to feel the benefits of Chakradance. Most people get hooked after their first time. I facilitate a nine-week course of 90 minute workshops with each class focusing on a different chakra (as well as an introductory and integration class). I also run special three-hour workshops where you are guided through the dance of all 7 chakras in one session. The more regularly you do it the better. Each time you CHAKRADANCE the experience is quite different.






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